Tinjauan Hidrodinamik 1D Metode Mac Cormack, Karakteristik Pasang Surut Unit Terantang


  • Fitriansyah Fitriansyah


Continuity, Momentum, Hydrodynamics, Mac Cormack's explicit, Terantang


In this research a one-dimensional (1D) hydrodynamic model has been developed for the Terantang tidal agricultural secondary channel in Barito Kuala district, geometrically the canal has fulfilled the ID modeling principles, namely uniform cross-section, one-way flow and depth. relatively shallow flow. This hydrodynamic model is based on the numerical solution of the hydrodynamic equations, namely the ID continuity equation and the ID momentum equation. The hydrodynamic equation is solved using the explicit Mac-Cormack method, because the explicit solution cannot solve the upstream boundary conditions (open boundary), namely tidal currents and downstream boundary conditions, closed boundary or closed channel pool walls, then the settlement of boundary conditions is used by the characteristic method. . Calculation of lateral discharge, namely discharge entering the tertiary channel due to tides and outgoing discharge due to low tide with the approach of straight line linearization (velocity function of time) and straight line linearization (depth function of time). The validity of this hydrodynamic model was tested with the results of measurements of current velocity and depth due to tides. The test results have given satisfactory results. Thus the model can be used to predict fluctuations in the height of the tidal water level, of course it can determine the hydrotopography of a land or the water pressure level in the tertiary canal to the elevation of paddy fields. In the case of the secondary canal end area (sta 7+500) with the position of paddy fields -0.76 m to MWL and +1.26 m to LWL. This model can also be applied to other rivers/channels with almost the same geomeric conditions



How to Cite

Fitriansyah, F. (2023). Tinjauan Hidrodinamik 1D Metode Mac Cormack, Karakteristik Pasang Surut Unit Terantang. Jurnal Teknik Sipil, 3(1), 1–7. Retrieved from https://ojs.uvayabjm.ac.id/index.php/jts/article/view/550


