
  • Yayuk Minta Wahyuningsih Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Achmad Yani Banjarmasin
  • Zuraida Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Achmad Yani Banjarmasin
  • Bahrun Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Achmad Yani Banjarmasin

Kata Kunci:

Trash bank, management, trash benefit


Garbage Banks can be used as a solution to achieve a clean and comfortable settlement for its citizens. With this pattern, apart from being disciplined in managing waste, residents also get additional income from the collected waste. While the benefits of the Garbage Bank are reducing the amount of waste in the community environment, creating a clean, healthy environment and fostering public self-awareness of the importance of protecting and respecting the environment. The Garbage Bank by implementing the 3R concept is the concept of collecting household dry waste, such as plastic, paper, cans etc. which implements a conversion system from waste to money, to increase citizen participation in sorting and recycling waste. And there is organic waste management in the form of kitchen waste and leaves that can be used as compost for plants. The way the waste bank system works is that the garbage bank has officers who work to weigh waste, officers who record the weight of waste deposited by members, savings managers who record the results of deposits and the last is officers who negotiate with garbage collectors or environmental offices and then receive the money. The waste bank is to conserve natural resources, reduce the amount of waste, garbage and pollution, save energy, save money and also create new jobs for the recycling industry




Cara Mengutip

Minta Wahyuningsih, Y., Zuraida, & Bahrun. (2023). MANFAAT BANK SAMPAH DAN CARA KERJANYA. INSPIRASI, 1(1), 8–15. Diambil dari