
  • Surti Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Achmad Yani Banjarmasin
  • Gusti Marliani Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Achmad Yani Banjarmasin


Regional potential development, production factors, resources, capital, workforce, technology, entrepreneurship


Regional potential development cannot be separated from the availability of production factors and technology in the region. The main production factor is land or land, labor, capital including technology and entrepreneurship. Role This factor of production is very important in determining the main priorities in regional potential development. The government must be able to manage resources its natural and human resources by providing supporting production factors others, such as proper investment, including the provision of appropriate technology. However, the problem of developing regional potential is not that easy because the distribution of production factors and technology transfer is not evenly distributed between regions. So that in the optimal management of the potential of the region collided with the adequate production factors obtained in the region. Role and synergy central and local governments in an effort to provide the right factors of production and effective in an area is one of the solutions offered. This paper is expected to be able to provide an overview of the distribution conditions factors of production and technology in Indonesia so that the government is good at both central and regional governments can determine the appropriate policy direction for encourage regional economic development based on factors of production and technology.


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How to Cite

Surti, & Marliani, G. (2021). FAKTOR PRODUKSI DAN TEKNOLOGI DI INDONESIA SEBAGAI PENDORONG PENGEMBANGAN POTENSI WILAYAH. Scientific : Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Sosial Dan Ekonomi, 8(1), 1–22. Retrieved from https://ojs.uvayabjm.ac.id/index.php/scientific/article/view/453



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