Studi Hubungan Peranan Guru BK Terhadap Disiplin Tingkah Laku Siswa di Maderasah Tsanawiyah Kelayan Kota Banjarmasin


  • Mukhiar Dosen FKIP Univ. Achmad Yani Banjarmasin

Kata Kunci:

Guru BK, disiplin tingkah laku.


BK Teacher lwlp pupil to realize and hold to sgtting to ownself, school 'erwironment, and soctit ewironment. with teacher palt existenci bk so pupif'can also discipline child behavioar at school. BK Teacher also keep data that got from studerrt, especially about problem discipline child behaviour and keep it to so cumulative note for student. datas at obtain about student discipline problem st schaol.
After kept the data then BK teacher analyze data that gat a while ago and interpret it. then give positive actions that can help child in overcome the problem that discipline child behaviour. With problem existence that faced child that discipline behavio:ur. BK teacher hold staf meeting with headmaster, guardian, and pupil parents, to talk about problem that faced pupil and lookfor tIre problem solution.



Cara Mengutip

Mukhiar. (2021). Studi Hubungan Peranan Guru BK Terhadap Disiplin Tingkah Laku Siswa di Maderasah Tsanawiyah Kelayan Kota Banjarmasin. Institute, 3(1 (Jan - Juni), (15 – 30). Diambil dari

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