
  • Sri Witanti Dosen FIA UVAYA Banjarmasin

Kata Kunci:

performance and employees.


The purpose of this study was to determine the performance of Kelurahan employees in the
Banjarbaru City Region and the efforts made to improve their performance. This study uses a qualitative
descriptive type, data mining tools used are interviews for primary data and observation and documentation
for secondary data. Meanwhile, the data analysis was carried out in a qualitative descriptive manner. The
results showed that: 1) The performance of Kelurahan employees in the Banjarbaru City area was good,
seen from the good and high quality of work, punctuality in completing tasks, initiative in giving ideas in
completing assignments, high work skills and abilities and good communication in relationships and
cooperation in the implementation of tasks. 2) Efforts to improve the performance of Kelurahan employees
in the Banjarbaru City area can be through education and training (training), both pre-service training and
in-service training, discipline and supervision development, giving motivation and awards. 3) The obstacles
that exist in the performance of Kelurahan employees in the Banjarbaru City area are the lack of facilities
and infrastructure in terms of the quantity/number of facilities and infrastructure needed for the smooth
performance of employees, the lack of a supervisory system due to inadequate monitoring and follow-up
efforts. opening opportunities for employees to commit various violations and the low awareness of
employees to act and be disciplined in carrying out tasks, for example being late for work, in the
organizational climate. 4) Solutions to solving problems in dealing with obstacles to the performance of
Kelurahan employees in the City of Banjarbaru, through superiors proposing procurement and addition of
facilities and infrastructure to related parties, more routine supervision systems from superiors in
evaluating employee work results and increasing discipline and time discipline work.



Cara Mengutip

Witanti, S. (2022). KINERJA PEGAWAI KELURAHAN DI WILAYAH KOTA BANJARBARU DALAM PELAYANAN PUBLIK. Institute, 8(4 (Jan-Juli), (32 – 48). Diambil dari

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